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1분 말씀

영어 말씀 6

E-6: The calling of Moses


Word: Exodus 3:4  “When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”


Calling means giving a mission by the name of God. In the Bible, God selected several people as needed and called them up. He was commanded to call Noah for make an ark, and to call Moses for saves the people of Israel who were enslaved. God called Samuel three times and attested as a prophet of the Lord (1 Sa Chapter 3). He called David, and made Israel king and succeeded to the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament, many men, as well as disciples of Jesus, received their missions.


Most biblical figures followed God's called and glorified. But not everyone who is called immediately obeys what is called. Moses repeatedly refused God's call (Ex 3:11, 13; 4:1, 10). In the end, God even got angry at Moses (4:14). But at God's call, Moses saves the people who were enslaved in Egypt. God is a faithful man. I'm sure I can accomplish your plan. At that call, the current situation is not good at all and it is not a reasonable environment, but we should be obedient.


Mission is not my ability or my faculty. There is nothing I can do. It is only God's grace. It is done through a person who is called by God. Therefore, I can't be glorified. Like Samuel, we say, “Speak, for your servant is listening” and we must be obedient to the glory of God. (1 Sa 3:10)  And you should never like Adam. Adam and Eve hid after they ate the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and God called Adam hiding among the hill trees.(Ge 3:8-9)
God calls us. And please do something appropriate for each person. We must thank God for his divine calling, and proceed obediently. God will accomplish it.



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